About PJ-Time

PJ Time is short for Patty and Jason.  It is also our favorite time of the day, when we are done with our full-time jobs, errands, chores etc... you know the boring Adulting stuff...When the adulting is done, it is the time for us to have some fun! It is time for our PJs and our time to sit back and relax.  It is also the time when we are our most creative.

I am a Merchandiser for a big box home improvement store and Jason is a Carpenter by trade and works a lot of different construction sites. We are in our late 40's and our kids are all grown so now we are both trying to find out what life has in store for our next chapter in life as well as finding our new niche in life. 

We both are creative and like to troubleshoot anything that comes our way.  We want to share some tips, tricks, as well as our insights in some of our favorite crafts and hobbies with you and hope that we can inspire and help get your creative juices flowing.  Did I mention that we also LOVE to do things on a budget? They say the best things in life is free...well maybe not completely free but as inexpensive as possible!

Thank-you for visiting our site! Hope you have a Fun-Tastic Day!!

Email: PJ-Time@hotmail.com